Indiana East Asian Working Paper Series on Language and Politics in Modern China

Indiana East Asian Working Paper Series on Language and Politics in Modern China

The Language and Politics in Modern China working papers form part of a collaborative research project, “Keywords of the Chinese Revolution: The Language of Politics and the Politics of Language in 20th-Century China,” funded by the National Endowment for the Humanities and the Pacific Cultural Foundation. Core project members include: Timothy Cheek (Colorado College), Joshua L. Fogel (University of California-Santa Barbara), Elizabeth J. Perry (University of California-Berkeley), Michael Schoenhals (University of Stockholm), and Project Director Jeffrey Wasserstrom (Indiana University). The Keywords project seeks to present an account of the ways that the language of politics has shaped and, in turn, has been reshaped by the Chinese Revolution from the early decades of this century to the present. The working papers will use methodologies and theories drawn from a variety of disciplines to explore the shifting meanings of politically-charged symbols and terms. General topics associated with the politics of communication will also be examined. 

Paper 1 (June 1993)

Michael Schoenhals, “Talk About a Revolution: Red Guards, Government Cadres, and the Language of Political Discourse”

Paper 2 (July 1993)

Elizabeth J. Perry and Li Xun, “Revolutionary Rudeness: The Language of Red Guards and Rebel Workers in China‘s Cultural Revolution”

Joshua A. Fogel, “Recent Translation Theory and Linguistic Borrowing in the Modern Sino-Chinese Cultural Context”


Paper 3 (January 1994)

Joshua A. Fogel, “Nationalism, the Rise of the Vernacular, and the Conceptualization of Modernization in East Asian Comparative Perspective”

Jennifer M.Y. Wei, “To -Er Is to Err: A Case of Code-switching in Standard Mandarin”


Paper 4 (July 1994)

Michael Schoenhals, “ ‘Non-People’ ” in the People’s Republic of China: A Chronicle of Terminological Ambiguity”

Patricia Stranahan, “The Politics of Persuasion: Communist Rhetoric and the Revolution”


Paper 5 (July 1994)

Joan Judge, “Key Words in the Late Qing Reform Discourse: Classical and Contemporary Sources of Authority”

Christopher P. Atwood, “National Questions and National Answers in the Chinese Revolution; Or, How Do You Say Minzu in Mongolian?”


Paper 6 (July 1995)

Andrew Cheung, “Slogans, Symbols, and Legitimacy: The Case of Wang Jingwei’s Nanjing Regime”

Julia C. Strauss, “Wenguan (“Lettered Official”), Gongwuyuan (“Public Servant”), and Ganbu (“Cadre”): The Politics of Labelling State Administrators in Republican China”


Paper 7 (January 1996)

Timothy Cheek, “The Names of Rectification: Notes on the Conceptual Domains of CCP Ideology in the Yan’an Rectification Movement”

Mark Elliott, “Manchu (Re)Definitions of the Nation in the Early Qing”


Paper 8 (Spring 1996)

Carolyn L. Hsu, “Corruption and Morality in the People’s Republic of China”

Patricia M. Thornton, “Discerning the Public from the Private: A Lexicon of Political Corruption during the Nanjing Decade”


Paper 9 (Summer 1996)

Youqin Wang, “Oedipus Lex: Some Thoughts on Swear Words and the Incest Taboo in China and the West”

Jeffrey N. Wasserstrom and Sin-kiong Wong, “Taunting the Turtles and Damning the Dogs: Animal Epithets and Political Conflict in Modern China”


Paper 10 (Winter 1996)

Barbara Mittler, “Chinese New Music as a Politicized Language: Orthodox Melodies and Dangerous Tunes”

Vivian Wagner, “Song of the Red Guards: Keywords Set to Music”

Q. Edward Wang, “Modern inside Tradition: The Transformation of Historical Consciousness in Modern China”