Current Enrichment Events:
Current Enrichment Events:
Message for Peace from East Asia: East Asian Language, History, Art, and Empathy
K-12 Teacher Program @ IUPUI
Saturday, October 2, 2021 & Saturday April 23, 2022
This program will introduce peacebuilding topics in East Asia for K-12 teachers of East Asian languages, social studies, art, and more. This program is formatted as a two-day workshop: Day 1: “Peace Conference: A-bomb Survivor’s Testimony and Symposium,” 8:15 AM-3:30 PM, Saturday, October 2, 2021, and Day 2: “Peace Workshop: Using History to Teach Empathy,” 9 AM-3 PM, Saturday, April 23, 2022.
On Day 1, Mr. Steven Leeper, former Chairperson of the Hiroshima Peace Culture Foundation, started the day with a Zoom discussion with four panelists from China, Korea, and Japan exploring various historical views of the A-bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki and today’s peacebuilding actions. Then, Mr. Leeper invited Ms. Shigeko Sasamori, an A-bomb survivor, to testify and hold a Q&A session by Zoom for the afternoon session.
The symposium went well; our panel offered many suggestions for developing peace in East Asian countries. Our participants appreciated the various perspectives from panelists’ different backgrounds. Although we had a technical issue with Ms. Sasamori’s presentation, she joined us by phone and made a strong impression on our participants.
On Day 2, Ms. Rebecca Irby, Executive Director of the PEAC Institute (PEAC stands for Peace, Education, Art, Communication), will present her lesson plan “Rising Out of the Shadows” and explains how she teaches empathy using history.
IUPUI Campus Center CE307
420 University Blvd
Indianapolis, IN 46202
*Please note this workshop is for K-12 Teachers. Even if you missed on Day 1, we encourage you to sign up for Day 2 of this unique opportunity!
This is a series of five independent workshops will delve into the film history of modern China, facilitated by Dr. Yu Chen. These will take place on Saturdays between late May and June.
The workshops focus on films directed by ZHANG Yimou over a span of decades. Each workshop awards 3 PDP hours. Students are free to participate in one, all, or a selection of the 5 workshops. Whatever you teach, there is something valuable in each workshop for everybody.
The workshops are open to all teachers and school staff with preferred seating going to ELA teachers, ELL teachers, Art teachers, Reading teachers, Social Studies teachers, and Librarians working with students in middle or high school.
Registration is free
Past Enrichment Events:
January - Online Book Workshop
February - Teaching about Asia Online Seminar
March - Online Film Workshop
Piano Forte Studios, Chicago IL
Piano Forte Studios, Chicago IL
Newberry Library, Chicago IL
355 North Eagleson Avenue