NCTA Spring Seminar FAQ
Teacher Implementation Plan (TIP)
The Teacher Implementation Plan (TIP) is the final product and main course requirement for the Teaching about Asia seminars. Each participant must develop one for use at his or her school. The purpose of the TIPs is to provide you with ready-to-use lesson plans that you can incorporate into your classroom and share with your colleagues. The TIPs should demonstrate that teachers can expand their current curricula to include historical, cultural, and current events information related to China, Japan, and Korea.
Elements of the TIP
At a minimum, each TIP should include the following. Please number the sections in your TIP as they are listed below. TIPs will NOT be approved if any section is missing.
- A reflective essay on how the seminar has changed your knowledge of and thinking about East Asia.
- An explanation of what opportunities you will have to teach about East Asia in the next school year, including grade level, subject area, and hours of instruction. You should also describe other ways in which you will share the information from the seminar with the community beyond your own classroom (your colleagues, school, neighborhood, etc.).
- A description of specific ways in which you will apply the seminar content to your teaching.
- The local, state, or national standards addressed in each lesson plan. You do not need to address all three (local, state, and national standards). Choose whichever is most useful or applicable to your situation.
- Three lesson plans—one each on China, Japan, and Korea. A single “lesson plan” may be an entire, multi-day unit or a single activity that requires only one class period. Please specify the number of days and amount of class time required for each lesson plan. Please also make sure that your lesson plans are detailed enough so that another teacher could use them with only limited preparatory research.
- A list of resources (books, periodicals, videos, Web sites, etc.) you plan to use for each lesson plan.
- All TIPs should be submitted to seminar instructors in two forms: hard copy and electronically. Electronic versions of the TIP should contain only text.
- Use Microsoft Word software.
- TIPs should be fully documented. If you make a reference to a particular work, it should be included in a reference list. Do not send copies of entire stories or chapters from books; cite them and include them in the reference list.
- All seminar participants will receive a compilation of TIPs produced by their seminar classmates.
- All TIPs will be forwarded to the East Asian Studies Center and will become the property of the National Consortium for Teaching about Asia (NCTA). As such, they may be published, bound, or shared with others. Some TIPs may be selected for publication on the EASC or national NCTA web site.
- Be sure to include your name on your TIP.
Annotated Bibliography
Please Note: This is for attendees taking the seminar for IU graduate credit only.
Participants taking the Teaching about Asia seminars for graduate credit through Indiana University will complete an annotated bibliography as an additional assignment. This assignment is intended to be a useful exercise, exposing teachers to a number of resources for further study and possible incorporation into their class materials. The annotated bibliography should include at least 25 items and may include books, periodicals, videos, Web sites, and curricular resources.
The annotated bibliography should be organized around a theme or topic of the participant’s choice. Take this opportunity to study more closely a topic of interest from the Teaching about Asia seminar. Sample topics might include:
- East Asian art
- Women in China, Japan, and Korea
- Post-WWII Korean Literature
- The American Occupation in Japan
- Politics in Post-1949 China
Elements of the Annotated Bibliography
The bibliography may not include required reading from the Teaching about Asia seminar. Each item on the bibliography should be accompanied by an annotation of 50-100 words. For each item on your bibliography, you should:
- Summarize the topic(s) of the material. (For an academic book, include the author’s argument.)
- Evaluate the material. Is the topic dealt with thoroughly and clearly? Does the item seem well researched and provide adequate evidence? Are there flaws or gaps in the material?
- Evaluate possible uses for the material. Who is the intended audience? How could it be used by teachers or students?
- You must follow a standard bibliographic format. MLA and Chicago styles are recommended, but any standard, recognizable bibliographic format is acceptable.
- All annotated bibliographies should be handed in to seminar leaders in two forms: hard copy and electronically.
- Use Microsoft Word software.
All annotated bibliographies will be forwarded to the East Asian Studies Center and will become the property of the National Consortium for Teaching about Asia. As such, they may be published, bound, or shared with others. Some bibliographies may be selected for publication on the EASC or national NCTA Web site.
Follow-up Event
All participants are required to attend a free educational and social event related to East Asia in the school year following the seminar. In addition to the featured activity, participants will share their experiences related to implementing lesson plans over the previous year. The follow-up event will be designed and planned by the seminar instructor.
Follow-up Report
At the end of the implementation year, participants are required to write a report on their East Asia teaching successes, challenges, ideas for improvement, etc. In March or April of the year following your seminar, you will receive a letter requesting the follow-up report, which is due by the end of June. Below are guidelines for the follow-up report.The report must be at least three pages and needs to include the following seven sections:
- Descriptions of the lessons implemented. Please also confirm that the lessons implemented were those from your original Teacher Implementation Plan (TIP). If you were unable to use your TIP lessons, please explain the reasons for this and how you came to use the lessons you did.
- For each lesson, describe what worked and what did not. What changes will you make for the following year?
- List of resources used (include print, Web sites, speakers, etc.). Include full citations.
- Other initiatives you undertook to inform others about East Asia (extracurricular activities, teacher training, special school or community programs, etc.).
- Your plans for incorporating East Asia into your curriculum in the following year.
- List of items purchased with school resource buying grant. Include full citations.
- Have the principal or department chair (whoever signed off on your application to attend the seminar) fill out the Follow-up Questionnaire for Administrator form.
Payee Certification and IU Supplier Registration for Teachers
You will need to complete one copy of the Payee Certification (an original form is required for each payment) included in your participant packet. You will also be required to register as an IU Supplier by completing an online registration form. The link to register will be sent directly to your email address from Indiana University. You must be currently employed half-time or more in a K-12 public or private school in order to be eligible for the stipends. Substitute teachers are not eligible.
If you are not a U.S. citizen or green card holder, you may not be able to receive the stipends. Please contact EASC for details.
Payee Certification and IU Supplier Registration for School
An official school representative—principal, vice principal, treasurer, or secretary—must complete and sign the Payee Certification. Your school will also be required to register as an IU Suppier by completing an online registration form. The link to register will be sent to your school's business officer/treasurer.
Note: If you anticipate changing schools after the seminar has finished, you should wait to have the payee certification and supplier registration completed by your new school. You must be currently employed half-time or more in a K-12 public or private school in order to be eligible for the classroom enrichment grant. Substitute teachers are not eligible.
Seminar Guidelines
Classroom Enrichment Grant
This $150 is to be used to purchase permanent resources for the school OR to defray costs of an East Asia-related speaker or field trip. Remember as well that the resources remain at the institution where you taught during your implementation year; they do not travel with you should you change schools. To guide you in your text purchases, please see the Bibliography of Resources on East Asia. The list includes resources used in NCTA seminars as well as those found useful by previous seminar participants. You are responsible for submitting the proper paperwork to EASC for this grant.
The Education about Asia journal is an excellent resource for those teaching about East Asia. You will receive a free one-year subscription upon successfully completing your TIP. The subscription will be processed by EASC and will be mailed to you at your preferred address as noted on your seminar application form. Learn more about the journal at
During the seminar, you will be subscribed to an email discussion group for alumni and current participants of EASC’s NCTA Teaching about Asia seminars. The purpose of the email discussion group is to keep you inspired and informed about teaching East Asia by allowing you to keep in touch with colleagues doing similar work. You will receive announcements of relevant upcoming programs and be able to exchange ideas about teaching resources, ideas, classroom successes, etc. To send a message to the group, e-mail
Credit Eligibility
Graduate Credit from Indiana University
Participants in the Teaching about Asia seminar are eligible to purchase three graduate credits for E505 “Topics in Learning about Asia” from Indiana University (IU) Bloomington. (Note: this course credit will be from the East Asian Languages and Cultures department, not the School of Education.) In addition to the Teacher Implementation Plan (TIP), you will be required to turn in an annotated bibliography.
Once you submit the graduate credit application, your decision to take the course for credit is final, and you will be billed by Indiana University. This is non-reversible!
Paying for the Graduate Credit
After you are enrolled in the course, you will receive a bill directly from the Indiana University Bursar’s Office.The cost is $362.30 per credit hour for Indiana residents and $1184.15 per credit hour for out-of-state residents. Although we will make every attempt to have them waived, you may also be charged for some student fees.
The Indiana University Bursar’s office sends out bills on the third Thursday of each month. Payment is due on the 10th of the following month. Payment can be made by check, cashier’s check, or e-check online through One.IU under the "View/Pay Bursar Bill" section. You will be responsible for any late payment fees that incur for failure to pay the bill on time. Be sure to check your IU email account for bill notifications from the Bursar’s Office.
EASC staff members cannot help you with billing questions, so please contact Student Central on Union by using their secure contact form or by phone at 812-855-6500 directly with any questions about billing.
Receiving a Grade
If you would like a copy of your transcript, please check with Student Central's transcript page to learn the process for requesting one. Electronic transcripts currently cost $10.00, while paper transcripts cost $15.00.
If you are not a U.S. citizen or green card holder and wish to register for graduate credit, you must contact EASC for more information on how to apply.